Displaying 41 - 50 of 87 blog posts.

From Nick News with Linda Ellerbee: “Foster Care: A Reality Check,” premieres Sunday, October 24th, at 9 p.m. Eastern and Pacific time. “We don’t have parents that were able to...

Entering foster care

On this day, 15 years ago I was blessed to be adopted by Germaine and Charlie Brown along with my two older siblings, Roxann and Richard. What really makes this...


About the Fostering Connections to Success and Increased Adoptions Act of 2008 law (Public Law 110-351) The new Fostering Connections law made major improvements to programs and policies related to...


FosterClub believes young people and alumni have unique insight about what their peers in foster care are experiencing, making them uniquely suited to recognize trends and emerging issues in foster...


Please take a few minutes today to call your Representatives and educate their staff on the legislation introduced by Congressman Pete Stark (D-CA). The Every Child Deserves a Family Act...


in my marriage and family class i talked about adoption. I thought it was very hard for me because when that word comes up flags and barriers comes up. I...

Sibling separation

Hey there everyone. So basically lately I feel lately that I have started not only making friendships to last a lifetime, but I have a new found family. I may...

Entering foster care

Yesterday us All-Stars had our first transition panel with real people. As in real people I mean it was no longer presenting to the fellow All-Stars. I was so scarred...

Entering foster care

Hello again!! I hope you are all enjoying reading our blogs and getting to know us. We are so excited to meet you all and share experiences to hopefully inspire...

Entering foster care

Lights, Camera, Action! We've got a great line-up of movies that feature foster care themes. Watch 'em — then share 'em — to raise awareness and resources for kids in...

Entering foster care