Displaying 61 - 70 of 141 blog posts.

What State Advocates Can Do:

Policy Advocacy on Behalf of Older Youth in and Aging Out of the Child Welfare System in Response to COVID-19

Young people in and leaving...

Extension to age 21
Health care
Higher education
Independent living
Mental health

FosterClub's Policy team hosted a webinar on the new campaign: #UPChafee on March, 31, 2020. You can view the recording by clicking on the photo below: #UPChafee Webinar Recording Take...

Transition (aging out)

Foster Youth in Action is hosting ongoing forums for current and former foster youth: Weekly: FOSTER POWER FORUMS Weekly on Tuesdays @ 1:00 PST! This is a virtual space held...

Mental health

Were you able to watch the COVID-19 Town Hall for Older Youth?! We're sharing our key takeaways with you! “Foster youth: we see you, we hear you, we care about...

Health care
Higher education
Independent living
Transition (aging out)

On October 1st, the National Foster Care Youth & Alumni Policy Council released a new statement: " A Historic Opportunity to Reform the Child Welfare System: Youth & Alumni Priorities...

Mental health

FosterClub Young Leaders, Eric Warner, and Joseph DeBiew joined Edwin Daye, a Member of the Birth Parent National Network, in a meeting with 4 Congressional offices and federal stakeholders -...

Entering foster care
Family relationships
Mental health
Transition (aging out)

A guide written for young people by young people! If you've experienced foster care, chances are the holidays can present some - umm, interesting - challenges. Check out FosterClub's ten...

Mental health

. “The hardest thing was to sit around the Christmas tree in a room full of strangers and look at a package that says ‘To Sharde’ ‘From Foster Mom’.” FosterClub...

Mental health

This year, 2018, I was chosen to attend and represent FosterClub at Daniel Memorial’s 31st Annual National Independent Living Conference in San Antonio, Texas. During my All-Star internship, I had...

Transition (aging out)

I do not let money stand in my way and neither should you. Health care and educational funding should be available for everyone, including foster youth, until age 26. As...

Health care
Higher education
Transition (aging out)