Displaying 41 - 50 of 77 blog posts.

Education is very important to me in order to move ahead in life. Not just get by, but to really succeed. My senior year I had to apply for colleges...


Noel Anaya, a foster alumni and staff person at Youth Radio, wrote an article highlighting the similarities between foster youth and immigrant families being separated. Anaya shares his personal experiences...

Rights in foster care

A team brings more than just support during an activity, they bring safety, comfort, and hope. My team, a group of All-Stars, called ourselves the DREAM team. From my experience...


The #HealthCareFFY Campaign, a collaborative project spearheaded by FosterClub, First Focus- State Policy and Reform Center (SPARC), and Juvenile Law Center are excited to announce the release of the first...

Health care
Independent living

It is that time again. You're going into the big bad world of education and you're not sure if you're ready, if you want it, if it is even worth...


Unlike many, I never had someone treat me less than due to my status as a foster youth. However, I did have people look at me differently- just not in...


There have been countless times where I was told I could or could not do something due to my status as a foster youth. I was not one to have...


FosterClub young leader, Rachel Scott (Washington) and Rochelle Fraenig (Michigan), traveled to Washington D.C. in order to meet with the First Lady and participate in the Beating the Odds Summit...

Higher education

This week we were asked to look into resources within our own states. I know this is something that means a lot to me considering that when I wanted to...


Hey there fellow Californians! Want to know a few resources that are available to you as a foster youth? I hope the answer to that is yes! If the answer...
