Displaying 61 - 70 of 87 blog posts.

Although foster care is an important safety net for some children, it was intended to be a temporary arrangement. Children have a better opportunity for growing and developing when they...


I would like to read you two definitions of one word. The first is: to make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition, the next is...

Entering foster care
Family relationships

I entered the foster care system when I was eight years old. My mother simply left the house one rainy evening. I didn’t know what to do, so I went...

Entering foster care
Family relationships

Passed unanimously by both Houses of Congress in September, 2008, the bipartisan Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act represents the most significant reform of the nation's child welfare...


Kids Are Waiting Statement in Support of the Senate Finance Committee's Approval of Chairman's Mark to the Improved Adoption Incentives and Relative Guardianship Support Act September 10, 2008 Today the...


Circumstances leading up to adoption are often puzzling and hard to understand for the child involved. Many kids wonder about their biological family and why their parents didn’t keep them...


I was raised as a Chinese American speaking Cantonese fluently and some Tosanese with my grandma. When I entered foster care at the age of 12, I was no longer...

Entering foster care

My foster care story is not a typical one, although I can’t say I have ever heard a ‘typical’ story about being in foster care. Unlike many children who suffer...

Entering foster care
Family relationships

As college students arrive at school and prepare to start the new academic year, I am reminded of the painful, bittersweet occasions that I – a young person who has...

Entering foster care
Family relationships

When I graduated from high school, all I could do was hope for a bright future. In my cap and gown, wearing a smile, I looked just like my classmates...

Entering foster care