Extension to age 21
Transition (aging out)

Webinar: Older Youth Pandemic Relief: State Spotlights- Implementation in Indiana


On May 19th, 2021, FosterClub and Youth Law Center hosted a webinar with Child Welfare service providers and advocates focused on implementing the older youth provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act currently being done in Indiana. In this webinar, you will hear how child welfare advocates in Indiana have engaged young people to develop an implementation plan that includes the moratorium, re-entry, the provision of direct financial assistance, and other supports, as well as ETV. 

  • Summary of the Law and Implementation Updates

  • Centering Youth Voice in Implementation 

  • Implementation of Older Youth Services and ETV Pandemic Relief in Indiana 

  • Q&A

This webinar aims to provide examples and tips for implementing the older youth provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, and the impact assistance has on young people and the importance of engaging and incorporating youth with lived experience in the implementation process. 

View the webinar recording here > > >

Download the slides >>> 


  1. Visit https://fostersuccess.org/youth-advisory-board/ to see how Indiana engaged their state advisory board in communicating to other young people the available supports and eligibility requirements.
  2. Indiana DCS Older Youth Services Pandemic Relief Chafee Transportation Guidance to provide driving transportation assistance outlined in the Consolidated Appropriations Act.

The Supporting Foster Youth and Families through the Pandemic Act (H.R. 7947) became law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act on December 27, 2020 (PL 116-260). This law is intended to bring significant emergency relief to young people in and from foster care. Young people in and from care were instrumental in the passage of this law, and young people must be involved in the implementation process. 

Save the Date! Join us for our next Webinar Wednesday, May 26th at 4:00 pm ET/ 1:00 pm PT on implementation highlights from Oregon! 

Reach out to [email protected] for questions about this webinar or implementation.