Franklin Burgos spent 13 years in Massachusetts's Foster Care System

Franklin entered foster care at the age of nine and spent the next thirteen years of his life in the system. Although he grew up in the foster care system, Franklin graduated high school and went on to attend college, something that only a small percentage of foster youth can say they have done.

He will be graduating this spring with his Associate’s degree in criminal justice. He has been accepted into the University of Massachusetts where he plans to obtain his Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, his future career aspirations are to become a police officer.

Franklin faced struggles that many foster youth are forced to deal with daily while in care and has come out on top of those struggles as a stronger highly driven individual. Despite the fact the Franklin has had a difficult life, he has always applied himself and strived to be the best he can be.

He works hard and is dedicated to making a positive impact within the Massachusetts foster care system. Franklin knows first-hand the lack of foster homes for foster youth who are young adults. He works diligently to spread awareness and recruit foster parents.

He believes that all foster youth, regardless of their age, deserve to be loved and nurtured, like any other child. The people Franklin surrounds himself with are all very loving and supportive of the work he does. “I believe Franklin will continue to do great things throughout his lifetime to help children who are less fortunate.” – Social Worker from Massachusetts DCF

Team(s) or Cohort(s)
2011 Outstanding Young Leaders