Years in care: 18

Evelin is currently a student in high school, going into her senior year; in addition to a high school diploma, she will also have a semester of college under her belt. Evelin is the president of her high school's Gay Straight Alliance Club and has a passion for advocacy and making change. She is in her third year of foster care, entering when she was 15 years of age after a long series of complicated events. She has been in two different placements, both being with people she had known before going into care; her second being her soon-to-be adoptive home. Evelin currently lives in The Treasure State, Montana, and has lived there for over a decade. This year is Evelin's first time working with organizations like FosterClub and Casey Family Programs (CFP), and hopes to continue the work throughout her future. Her plans for the future are to graduate from high school early to get started on her career path of being a psychiatrist, specializing in child and adolescent psychiatry.

Team(s) or Cohort(s)
2017 All-Stars